How the reflection of the innovation in the virtual world, affects its relative reality.

It is undeniable that, nowadays, that people lives very longer in contact with the virtuality than in previous epochs. Work, study, news, service and entertainment, everything can be carried out through digital equipment that became practically indispensable for big part of the present society. In this technological setting the two worlds has a reciprocal form of existence, being that a nearly always one influencing another in the times of today. That
interlinking between the two worlds emerges and enables from the economic, social, and technological factors that the virtual world be a "reality".

Those three factors cited above are presented of the following form: The technological factor, that concerns the resources offered to his users; the social factor, that understands the news forms of interaction and sociability in the virtuality; and the economic factor, that approaches questions as the utilization of money and the financial negotiations carried out,between others aspects that involve the economy of the virtual world.

That interlinking generates a reflect in the real world from the innovations of the virtual world. One of the most greatest examples of that interlinking is the software, social net, virtual environment, or as you want to-call him: Second Life (SL), an innovation in the virtual world, that reflected considerably in the real world, that because many companies saw that what was inside the SL were consumers, created its branch offices inside this Second Life, considering that as a new Marketing innovation, that is a new way of reach the consumers, they are companies that also thought of innovating, have his differential, reach a public differentiated that likes technology, those big generators of economic stream in everyone, saw the 3 factors and like this uncovering that the virtual reality was there, ready for to be explored, but not alone through sites.

Some actions in the virtual community:
-The IBM has ajoint of islands in the virtual world where converses, lectures and meetings of members of staff occur.
-Before of the première of the film X-Men 3, Fox promoted a première in the SL.
-The Dutch Endemol organized a version of the Big Brother.
-The interactive agency TMP Worldwide, specialized in recruitment, will permit that companies carry out fairs of jobs and interview new potentials members of staff in the space of the agency in the SL.
-The CredicardCiti has a position of information. The person that gives expedient in the localities was selected and pre-interviewed for the vacancy in the virtual community.
The Purchases:
The Purchases can be carried out in shops of three dimensions, just like the Adidas.The company intends, soon, throw a tennis first in the SL. The design American Apparel offered a new model of jeans in the virtual world before of the real world. Also innovating, the shop of the Reebook enables to the avatares personalize his footwear.
The Test-drives can be carried out by the avatares. Toyota created virtual replicas of models. Volkswagen, that sells it’s cars in the SL, intends to open another unit. Who visits the shop of the Mercedes-Benz earns overall and helmet of F-1. Manufacturers of cellular, as Nokia, also take advantage of the virtual space. The mark distributed 2 thousand devices for free in two weeks.
The Organizations:
-The Organizations and diplomatic representations already are in the Second Life. The Federation of the Commerce of the State of São Paulo (Fecomércio) was to first entity of Brazilian class that participate of the SL. The idea is to promote events in the localities, as lectures, meetings and even courses. The Sweden was the first country to inaugurate an embassy in the SL.
Learn more about:
-The number of inhabitants in the Second Life reaches 6 millions. Users of the SL with more of 25 years represents 71% of the total.

But not alone the SL, is an innovation with consequences in the real world, many companies resort to the interactivity that the virtual world provides, like this improving his profit with less expense and more proximity with the client, what provide this are the sites, that dispose innovations of the virtual world to be applied and to arrive to the final consumer in a way that it will be influenced and will consume, this is the real thing. Promotions, ARGs, bigger communication between client and company, everything that reflects in the real world. Those innovations, considered by me great facilitators of the real world, improving more and more the client-company interaction form, sometimes generating a bigger fidelity than go to a shop which you have a salesperson "intermediate" that many times does not pass all confidence that you expected, with those innovations there is a bigger proximity and it increases confidence, also count like a positive point for the companies showing that they are updated and connected.

All those changes, innovations, renewals, updatings intertwine the virtual one with the real one, showing the true consequence that the virtual world have in the real world.
Concluding that the virtual world and his innovations reflect in the real world of form it reach the 3 factors presented in the beginning of this post the economic, social, and technological factors.


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